Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Silly Reasons I know Steve's "the ONE"

When I bring him a Diet Coke from the Gas Station and it’s only half full, he doesn’t complain.

He doesn’t make fun of me when I ask him to check my closet for monsters.

His favorite color is brown.

While I watched Wives and Daughters, he sat quietly on the couch and didn’t make one sarcastic remark about the film.

He and I watched sat in Sunday school searching out the spelling errors made by instructor, and then compared notes. Yes, we’re righteous.
-Side note, this instructor happened to be an Elementary School Principal. She used such letter combinations as Isreal, Reabaom, Elijiah, and rigteouness. Wow…

He introduced me to Shark Week.

He puts up with my obsessive compulsive need to pick at his zits.
-Side note, Might be a slight over share, but it’s true.

We get our Slurpees half Cherry, half Pina Colada. I mean, is there any other option??

He’s patient with my crazy iPod habits…aka skipping the song when it’s halfway through and only listening to it on shuffle.

His biggest pet peeve is mixing up YOUR and YOU’RE. They are VERY different you know!

16 Days left!


Mabs said...

Oh my gosh you are so marrying the One!!! I am so excited to see you marriaged. :)
P.s. YOUR and YOU'RE is my biggest pet peeve. Even adults do it and it drives me insane!!
Love you darling. :)