Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Made a Discovery

While at FHE the other night I made an important life discovery:

DRUMROLL PLEASE...........................

I have no desire to meet/flirt with new boys. Yes folks, the desire has officially been erased from my mind. I have said goodbye to my ability to least with other guys. I am quite content to flirt with one guy from now on. It was a most exciting and welcome discovery.

As I discovered that, I simultaneously discovered something else. Girls are quite incredible at what they do....I mean really! I mean I guess I never noticed it because I too was "turning my flirt on" at every girl-boy activity. Honestly, I've never been able to determine when a girl is really working it, and when she is not as interested. But I have suddenly realized how talented some girls are at getting guys to take the bait. Maybe it is because I have no desire to flirt with anyone but the guy I'm with now. Perhaps I am not blinded by the competitive nature of flirting girls. I can now clearly see that years of reinforcement has taught women the way to behave if they want to get a guy. It is hilarious to behold these women working their wiles on unsuspecting young men...very entertaining. It is particularly fascinating when more than one girl is trying to get the attention at a time. I mean, what are we...animals? Girls can be so catty and mean when trying to nab a man. But they are sneaky about it, not wanting the boys to suspect them of being mean, they attack subtly, gracefully and volunteer information about the other girl in order to make themselves look better. Geez Louise! I'm glad I'm out of that business.

So I will discontinue batting my eyelashes, and suppress the high pitched giggle...(although those are techniques I seldom have used) I will, from now on sit back, watch and laugh at, all the other ladies as they "reel in their catch," content with the man I've caught.


Samantha said...

isn't it the best feeling in the world?
I sure think so.

Sarah Jane said...

Hahaha, It is funny to watch! And the best part is guys don't even notice all the competition going on!