Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Are you Hungry?

Maybe it's just because I want to be an Elementary School teacher, but I love young adult and children's literacture. I almost read it exclusively, because honestly everything else kind of bores me. For Christmas my mom and dad got me a large stack of these kinds of books, amoung them: Number the Stars, The Giver, The Courage of Sarah Noble and others. I have quite a stack to work through, and unfortunately my schedule hasn't been such that I can read all the time. I want so badly to get through these books, so when my mom and sisters suggested a new book to read I wasn't too gunhoe about reading it. To be honest it didn't sound all that exciting, and I didn't understand the hype. However it was hard to be the only one that hadn't read it, because everyone was RAVING about it. So I reluctantly sat down Sunday morning and started to read The Hunger Games. Within the first 20 pages I was completely hooked. I was quickly and pleasantly surprised at the enthralling storyline! The characters were well developed, the action...SUPER intense, it was well written and the cliffhanger ending left me dying to read the next one. Needless to say I finished it in one day. Now I CAN'T WAIT to get home this weekend so I can start the 2nd book.



atec said...

so we're officially making our blog private now so that you can no longer blog-stalk us. How dare you?

Unless we can now blog-stalk you!!!! You might as well let us because I already added you to my google reader, and I'm about to add you to our blog list on our blog. But I can't figure out one thing. Am I allowed to add you as family yet?

Can't wait to skype with ya, (this weekend right?) you've got to see Cdc!!!

Sarah Jane said...

BEST.BOOK.EVER! I love Peeta.