Friday, June 11, 2010

This is the conversation I had with my soon to be nephew last night as I was trying to put him to bed... He's 2.

(said nephew is whining/crying)
Nephew: I can not sleep on this mattress, it's not safe for me.
Me: Yes you can sleep on this mattress, and your brother is going to sleep right next to you, he won't let you fall off.
Nephew: I do not want to go to sleep, because I'm not tired.
Me: Oh I think you are tired, listen to how sad your voice is.
Nephew: I am not sad, I am scared because what if there's a monster (points to the closet) in there. Or what if they sneak in through the windows.
Me: You don't have to worry, Uncle Steven scared all the monsters out of the closet so and I blocked the windows so they won't come in.
Nephew: Where's my mom?
Me: She's at camp, but she'll be here tomorrow.
Nephew: Tomorrow? What time is today?
Me: Today is Thursday and tomorrow when your mom comes home it is friday.
Nephew: But what about Grams and Mom? Who will make sure the monster's don't get them.
Me: (this part's a little cheesy, but I couldn't think of anything else.) The monster's won't get them because Heavenly Father will protect them.
Nephew: But where's Heavenly Father and Jesus?
Me: They're in heaven
Nephew: No way! Will you read me a good night book?
Me: We don't have any good night books in here, how about I tell you a story?
(enter other nephews)
Nephew: okay but no monsters.

I'm going to enjoy being an aunt.


Sarah Jane said...

ADORABLE! Hahaha! I like the Heavenly Father comment! Good thinking!