Thursday, August 14, 2008

Self Control

Recently my mom, my sister have convinced me to eat healthier. They call it a diet, I call it torture. Have you seen that Pediasure commercial where a Mom is continually putting healthy food into her shopping cart and with each addition receives a sassy remark from her daughter claiming "I don't think I like... (fill in healthy food here)" Well, unfortunately in this scenario I am the little girl and "I don't think I like broccoli."

I have always been a pretty good eater, in my mind the healthy foods usually out-weigh the non-healthy. There are some days when I just crave a salad loaded with green pepper, cucumber and carrots. Other days I am more in the mood for a Turkey Sandwich on wheat bread or a chicken vegetable wrap. The problem is, this healthy food is usually paired with fruit snacks, chips or even occasionally a doughnut and though this food does not CANCEL OUT the healthy, it definitely adds to it.

So you see it isn't that I hate healthy food, I just like unhealthy food better. Who in their right mind would choose brocolli and cauliflower over chips and salsa? I can immediately tell you, I sure wouldn't. You can imagine my distress when I opened my lunch sack (that I packed by the way) to find 3 deli turkey slices, snap peas and grapes. It is taking all of my self control right now to resist driving to a Wendy's down the street for a JBC.

The funny thing is, I know I feel better when I eat good things. I can run harder, pay attention longer and even sleep better. All incentives to be a healthier eater. But you know those long days when all you want in the world is a Chocolate Dipped Ice Cream from Dairy Queen. Those are the days that make and break me. That is the difference between pound loss and pound gain. Those are the days when I must say..."I have power over you my stomach. You will not defeat me." I am to a point where I can say that, but believing it is harder than it may seem.


Becky said...

I believe in you.