Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tubies and Cowboy Boots

You know what's thrilling? Wanting to do something for so long and not only finding out that you love it more than you thought you would, but also that you could potentially be good at it. I promise that this blog won't become a constant showing of my pictures, because it isn't a photo diary. But let me say that my best friend Jessie was way to fun to take pictures of it would be a crime not to show off what she does. Right? These pictures pretty much sum up mine and Jessie's relationship, as well as her personality in a nutshell. They demonstrate the many reasons why I love her and why she is my best friend.

She has the longest legs of anyone I know.
I am the short to her tall.

She will to just about anything for me, including walk along this
trecherous pipe in high heeled cowboy boots. Nice.

She is nice to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE!
Seriously, even when people drive her nuts,
she gives them her full attention,
and puts up with their annoyingness.
(Yes I am aware that isn't a word.)

She makes me smile. Enough said.

She's pretty...well gorgeous actually.

We are fwends....fwends are fowever.
(And she really is pretty. Really pretty)

~plus she takes great pictures~

Monday, February 16, 2009

Latest Passion

For the past few months I've been saving up for a new camera, and on Saturday I finally got it! Hooray! Since I started school I've discovered a passion for taking pictures. I love to capture moments that other people might not see. So to have this new camera has been such an exciting venture, and even though I'm not very good yet, I'm stoked about this.

Here's a taste of what I've done so far...

So as you can tell I'm still a novice but I sure had fun taking these. Hopefully there will be some more good pictures to come!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Carnival Town

Round and round,
got you under it's spell
moving so fast
goin nowhere.

Up and down
Ferris Wheel

tell me how does it feel,
to be so High lookin down here?

Is it lonely?


~~Norah Jones~~
my new favorite

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Have you ever had someone ask you how you are and you responded with, "I'm fine..."? It's a pretty generic way to describe your feelings don't you think? If you are in a bad mood or something bad happens, you don't wanna say, "crappy, I hate life." That is too unsettling. And if you are ecstatic, very rarely do you say, "I am just ecstatic." It's too braggy. So I guess really my question is, how many of us say we are fine, and actually mean it?

When we are hurting, it is easier to brush questions like "How are you?" with said response. And let's be honest, for most of us, when we ask a friend or coworker how they are, we aren't looking for their life story. A short answer would suffice. I mean if I were asking, I would not want to hear about so and so's dog dying, their test going badly, or that their boyfriend/spouse is upset at them again. No one wants to know the hard things that are going on in your life, no that is too depressing. No one likes to be around depressed people. Depression is contagious, as is almost any other emotion. Therefore, we choose to spare the ugly details of what's really going on in our lives, and cling to the happy highlights of someone else's life, until we can form our own.

So what if you don't have any happy highlights to share? What if you are going through the hardest of times and the only adequate response to choose besides bursting into tears is "I'm Fine." I can say from experience, that sometimes the only thing that saves me from breaking down is to respond quickly with "I'm fine" and then change the subject. It's too hard to think about everything going wrong. It's too hard to think about what you had, or what you want again. It's too hard to tell everyone that you have no idea where to go from here. So "I'm Fine" will suffice for now. What more can you say?

P.S. This is not supposed to be depressing, I promise that despite all that's happening with me lately, I am happy. It's just something I was thinking about.