Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tubies and Cowboy Boots

You know what's thrilling? Wanting to do something for so long and not only finding out that you love it more than you thought you would, but also that you could potentially be good at it. I promise that this blog won't become a constant showing of my pictures, because it isn't a photo diary. But let me say that my best friend Jessie was way to fun to take pictures of it would be a crime not to show off what she does. Right? These pictures pretty much sum up mine and Jessie's relationship, as well as her personality in a nutshell. They demonstrate the many reasons why I love her and why she is my best friend.

She has the longest legs of anyone I know.
I am the short to her tall.

She will to just about anything for me, including walk along this
trecherous pipe in high heeled cowboy boots. Nice.

She is nice to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE!
Seriously, even when people drive her nuts,
she gives them her full attention,
and puts up with their annoyingness.
(Yes I am aware that isn't a word.)

She makes me smile. Enough said.

She's pretty...well gorgeous actually.

We are fwends....fwends are fowever.
(And she really is pretty. Really pretty)

~plus she takes great pictures~


Kate said...

I love her AND you!! Muah.

Sascha said...

Oh, I love it! Way to capture Jessie so well. Love you both!

Sascha said...

Oh... and I wouldn't mind a photo diary. I love your pictures!