Monday, May 11, 2009

Text me....I dare you!

The following is a list of reasons why I hate text messaging. Yes I realize that I am slightly hypocritical because I indeed text more often than I call people. Just because I do it however, does not make it right!

Reason #1...Because other than the little ;) there is no way to distinguish sarcasm and teasing from compliments or jibes. For example, someone could say "you're a jerk," but without the winking face is it serious or are they just kidding? This brings me to my next point...

Reason #2...People will say just about anything through a text. The whole reason that they do this is that they're too afraid to say these things in person. Let's give teenage girls another way to be vicious...because when things are said in a text they aren't nearly as hurtful as in person. BIG FAT LIE.

Reason #3...Some boys think it's okay to ask girls on dates through texting. "I'll text ya..." Is my least favorite phrase to hear from a guy. Guys, get some guts and ask in person, or at least over the phone. Yes, once you've been dating awhile or established that you're a couple, texting is appropriate. Also, please for the sake of girls everywhere do not tell a girl that you "like her" or even "love her" (Yes this actually occurs) through a text message. How impersonal is that? Is nothing sacred anymore?

Reason #4...Is there anything more annoying than sitting next to a snot nosed kid at a movie or play while they're texting? That lovely blue light shines in your eyes. What is this K-mart? You're trying to enjoy the entertainment you PAID to see! For some reason all respect for everyone around you melts away when your butt starts buzzing.

Reason #5...There is no real end to a text message conversation. On the phone, it is easy to say, "well I have to go, I'll talk to you later. Goodbye." However I can't tell you how many times I've been talking to someone over text and have suddenly stopped getting a response. Then the conversation is just out there....floating....waiting for someone to pick it up. Are you done talking to me...or did you just crash your car or something? The least someone could do is say, "welp see ya later." Even a "text ya later" would suffice. But no, we can't do's going to take 6 seconds away from your life. Isn't the point of texting to save time? What are you doing with all the time you saved not calling someone.

Off my soap box now. I truly do like texting, and very much enjoy getting texts. I will admit I've been caught doing every one of the annoying things mentioned aside from the "I love you" comment. I am ashamed...but will most likely do them again.

Also....just text me....I don't care what....just do it please. You know who you are.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention how annoying it is when you are hanging out with someone and they are too busy texting to notice your existence.

Jess said...

Megan, I love this one... mind if I link to it in my blog?

Sash said...

I never did quite take up the with the texting world. I'm so bad at texting... as I'm sure you're aware. Ian is always makin fun of me for it. I'm awful! I can't keep up. And I never have anything witty to say. Plus, I never really get a true sense of the wonderful people I'm speaking with over text.

Please know that I adore you, despite my inability to text well. I am sadly guilty of reason #5. I apologize.

Good post. :)

Sarah Jane said...

Hehehe, wow someone is EXTREMELY bitter! Way to vent darling! I love it when you get feisty about stuff, hehehe!